Pam Witt’s 4 Pillars To Goal Achievement


Being female and growing up on a farm among many cousins, most of which who were boys,
I learned A LOT of things especially when it comes to overcoming adversity.

Whether shooting a BB gun or performing many other farm activities, I was always
learning valuable skills that I would realize were an amazing foundation for me
later in life.

A foundation that has allowed me to use a system for setting and reaching goals.

I use four main things that I call pillars to help me reach every goal I set.


These four pillars have been nothing short of amazing in my life and I think they
will help you as well.

Setting goals is important, but learning how to systematically achieve them
is even more important.

Whether your goal is to learn a new hobby, or to reach a new level of success in
your home care, home health, or home hospice business, this can be a big help.

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About Pam Witt

Pam Witt is a licensed RN and has more than 32 years of experience in the caregiving, home care, home health and healthcare industries. She has more than 10 years of successful marketing experience with one of the largest healthcare software companies in the world. Pam’s philosophy is that “life is a gift” and it should not be wasted. Pam’s main objective through the NAPHC and is to make a positive impact in the home care, home health and home hospice industry by providing the best information and training available.

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